Thursday 10 October 2013

Introduction to Feminism

Feminism is the belief in the equality of the sexes. It is a movement aimed at defining, establishing and defending the rights for women so they have same equal opportunities as men. A feminist supports the right for women to be equal to men. Feminists campaign for women rights such as the right to vote, equal pay, political power and the same opportunities in education and employment.

History of Feminism
Feminism came around during the 1950's when the men where at war and the workforce needed looking after so the women took over and started to do what was the male job. Once the men returned it was expected that everything would go back to usual. However women liked the independence and wanted to carry on working. Since then feminism has gone all out to fight for equality and feminist groups have campaigned to secure the right for many things and still continue to do so.

Major Events
In the 1960's many women burned their bras to make a statement and to stand up for women rights. At Miss America Protest there were trashcan which they called freedom trashcans that women threw bras, curlers, tweezers, girdles and high heels into them to be burned.

Famous Feminists
There are many famous feminists today with many being in the media eye these include Lady Gaga, Gloria Steinmen, Hilary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey. All of these feminists have different views on how women are portrayed in todays society and below is a short clip of Lady Gaga on feminism.

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