Thursday 26 September 2013

Research Methods

To have a successful music magazine research is needed to find out what people find most interesting about them. I will be looking at two research methods that will help towards my music magazine these are quantitative and qualitative research.
  • Quantitative Research - used to measure and predict leading to a final course of action.
  • Qualitative Research - used to uncover and understand thoughts and opinions.
There is two different types of data that is collected when researching these are:
  • Primary Research - the data found by the the person asking the questions. 
  • Secondary Research - the data which has been found by others. 

How can the data collected help music magazines?

The data collected can help music magazines to be more interesting, include better features and to find out what people would like to see in a music magazine. it gives magazines a better knowledge on what people want to see on a magazine and allows them to add more interesting features in the future. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a minimal graded piece of work which has failed to meet any of the criteria by which to score at A level. You need to make sure you are using images to support your work as it will meet the criteria of making the blog engaging and your use of ICT mark. This work does not show that you have thought about the question or engaged with the task.
