Friday 27 September 2013

Semiotic Theory

Semiotic theory focuses on the social and cultural meaning of signs and codes and conventions. Signs consist of an image, a word or an object. We all respond to signs in many different ways whether we agree or disagree with it. These signs can be presented in many different forms whether it is from an image, a word or a video. Semiotic theory is the study of signs in three different stages these are:

The perception stage - the person becomes aware of a sign.
The manipulation stage - the person interprets the sign and decides how to respond to it.
The consummation stage - the person responds.

The literal meaning of a word.
Example: the word home is a place where someones lives.

The hidden meaning and associations behind the word.
Example: the connotation of home suggests security, comfort and family.

This theory can apply to music magazines because if a magazine was dark and depressing it wouldn't attract people to buy the magazine. However, if a magazine was bright and colourful it would be positive and attract more people.

Thursday 26 September 2013


Please take your time to fill in and complete my questionnaire.

Research Methods

To have a successful music magazine research is needed to find out what people find most interesting about them. I will be looking at two research methods that will help towards my music magazine these are quantitative and qualitative research.
  • Quantitative Research - used to measure and predict leading to a final course of action.
  • Qualitative Research - used to uncover and understand thoughts and opinions.
There is two different types of data that is collected when researching these are:
  • Primary Research - the data found by the the person asking the questions. 
  • Secondary Research - the data which has been found by others. 

How can the data collected help music magazines?

The data collected can help music magazines to be more interesting, include better features and to find out what people would like to see in a music magazine. it gives magazines a better knowledge on what people want to see on a magazine and allows them to add more interesting features in the future. 

Thursday 19 September 2013

What is a Music Magazine?

A music magazine is a magazine that contains many elements to do with music such as:
  • Images
  • Information about artists
  • Interviews
  • Reviews
  • Tour Dates 
The oldest running magazine in the UK is BMG magazine being first introduced in 1906 and focusing on the acoustic genre. However it isn't the most popular, this goes to The Fly with a circulation of 104,568. The most popular music magazine globally is Rolling Stone with a circulation of 1,464,943.

Music magazines would focus on their specific genre and tailor information so it is specific. There are many different music magazine genres which are all aimed at a different type of customer. Kerrang! and Q focus on Rock. Vibe being associated with R&B and NME focusing on punk-rock.

The future for music magazines could be positive or negative as more people are getting subscriptions online instead of buying the actual magazine. People are able to get the same information as they would inside a music magazine but for free. However sales could improve with the magazines being online and mobile phone app allowing customers to buy them when they want.

Friday 6 September 2013

Introduction to my Blog

My name is Ian Pelgrave and I am a sixth form student at Cardinal Heenan, this is my first blog for my AS Media course.

My first task it to create a music magazine and my blog posts will consist of research and planning.

I will be uploading many blogs a week showing my progress leading up to my complete music magazine. Each blog will show an updated piece to what I am working on these will include:
  • Research into music magazines
  • Research into target audiences and genres of music
  • Research into typography, layouts and colour schemes 
  • Planning the layout