Sunday 29 December 2013

Q Double Page spread Analysis

I will be analysing a double page spread from a Q magazine that I have bought. As you can see from the picture below a large image usually takes up one of the pages and is related to the article. The large image is used to attract the reader by standing out and draw their attention to read the article.
On the page there is no mention of any competitions or subscription information. This may be because Q don't want any additional information on the page that will draw the attention away from the article.

In total there are five images used on the double page spread which gives a balance between text and image.
The headline used "muse's voyage extraordinaire" tells us what the story is going to be about and makes us want to read about their voyage. A drop capital has also been used to show the reader where the article starts.

Saturday 28 December 2013

Q Contents Page Analysis

The image below is a picture of Q contents page which is clear to the reader. The layout of the page is organised and easy to read. The text is placed into columns which helps to. The stories featured are mostly based around different artists and bands. There are a couple of images on the page to show who is featuring in the magazine and gives us an idea about whats inside. 

Not much colour has been used but the red stands out very clearly from the background and makes it stand out. The colour red draws our attention to the highlighted areas. 
The house style has been carried on through to the contents page with the use of colours and style of text.

Friday 27 December 2013

Q Front Cover Analysis

This is the front cover of a Q Magazine I bought. The main image features Robbie Williams who looks to have minimal editing done to him maybe just removing blemishes. 
The house style of this magazine is mainly red and white with the odd black or grey text. These colours are carried on through the rest of the magazine but not to a massive extent. 
The front cover has codes and conventions of a typical magazine such as barcode and banner. 

Monday 16 December 2013

College Magazine Contents Page

This is a very basic mock up of what my contents page should look like. There is no detail but it gives me an idea on where things will be placed. I have not included too much information because I may change a few things to make it better. 

Friday 13 December 2013

College Magazine

I was given a task to create a college magazine as practise for my music magazine that I will be creating. this is my final piece.
I took this picture using the camera on my phone so next I would use a better quality camera.


College Magazine Progress

This is the progress so far on my college magazine, I still have to add text and edit a few things before it is complete. I will upload my final piece later.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Magazine Terminology

Pugs - Normally in the corners of the page and are either bar code or price tags.

Banner - Text on a coloured background that stands out.

Puff - Shows whats inside the magazine.

Buzz words- Words such as "Exclusive" and "free" that promotes whats inside.

Strap Line - Phrase that is memorable to the magazine.

Masthead - The name of the magazine.

Caption - Description of the image.

Headline - The largest font on front cover to show main story.

Sell lines - Text that atrracts the audience to buy the magazine.

Anchorage Text - The way text helps to show the meaning of a picture.

Drop Capitals - A large letter at the beginning of an article.

Monday 2 December 2013

Impact of Photoshop

Photoshop is a very useful tool and is used alot in media when making magazine front covers. There are both positive and negative effects of photoshop which can have a major influence on peoples lives.

  • Mainly benefits the magazines as they can have a good front cover which will help to sell more
  • Attracts more popularity for celebrities
  • It gives the reader something good to look at
  • Makes girl think that they have to look like the models to be considered as beautiful
  • Can lead to eating disorders like anorexia 
  • The readers of the magazines are getting a false idea of what women actually look like

Photoshop album cover

This is what I created from the two pictures using photoshop. I decided to put Susan Boyles face onto 50 Cents face and blend them together and this was my final result.